Where to find a  job online in France

Finding and applying for a job online in France starts with updating your CV.

There are several ways to find a job online in France. Usually, people look for job opportunities on job boards and directly on the company websites of which they’re interested in.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for on job pages, you can still make a spontaneous application (candidature spontanée) to the company you want to work at. Most of the companies in France have a section where you can submit a CV and a cover letter.

French Websites and job boards

You’ll find a lot of job boards in France, each one tailored to your needs. We’ve selected a couple of the ones most used by French people for you here :

Student jobs :

Freelance :

Professional : Cadre

How to apply to a job in France

The basic requirements to apply to a job in France are the same as in any other country and most of the time, they are mentioned in the job description.

Here is a checklist of the documents you should provide and update when you apply for a job in France :

  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Recommendation from previous coworkers or employers (usually, in France, you can ask for a recommendation from the manager or coworker of the company you just left. Make sure you have a good relationship with them before you do so).
  • Interview

You can see we’ve broken down this article into multiple articles, it’s a complex topic and when done right can be quite fast.

For those of you looking for a tl;dr: create your CV and cover letter and bring your LinkedIn profile up to scratch – submit online for consideration and hope to land an interview!

Getting fired

Getting fired

In this article, we’ll see what happens when you get fired. And there are two main ways for an employer to end your contract. As in any other country, either you or your employer can end the relationship. However, the ways to do it and the consequences will be different based on who instigates the break-up.

Little disclaimer : we are not law professionals and the advice we give is of course not exhaustive. If you have any remaining doubts or questions after reading this article, either contact us or an employment law professional.

Getting fired for personal reasons

Why could I be dismissed ?

French employment law dictates that an employee termination can happen on the basis of disciplinary or competency reasons. These two motives are referred to in French as “motif personnel” and cover two categories : 

  1. The disciplinary reasons : if you’re always late, misconduct on the job, insult or hurt co-workers etc.
  2. The non-disciplinary reasons : if you’re not qualified enough for the job, don’t have the skills etc.

Are there any steps before dismissal ?

There are multiple sanctions and measures that can be taken before the dismissal. And usually, companies won’t resort to a termination right away. You may first get an official reprimand, then a suspension and if the faulty behavior persists, you will be laid-off.

What are the steps for a dismissal for personal reasons ?

Step 1 : Notification

You usually receive a letter or an email inviting you to a pre-dismissal meeting (“entretien préalable au licenciement” in french).

Step 2 : Pre-dismissal meeting

Within 5 days of the reception of the notification letter, HR or management will call you in to let you present your point of view. In this meeting, you can be accompanied by any person from the company that you want.

Step 3 : Letter of dismissal

If the meeting above is inconclusive, within two days you’ll receive a dismissal letter by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt (LRAR = lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception). This letter will state the motive for dismissal and the initial date of notice given. Usually, unless for certain motives (gross misconduct or negligence / faute grave ou faute lourde) where you can be fired right away, the notice will be about a month.

Is there anything I can do to dispute my dismissal ?

If you feel like you don’t agree with your employer and have grounds for a claim, here are the steps : 

  • Within 15 days of receiving the dismissal letter, you can write a letter to your employer to request clarifications. This letter must be LRAR.
  • The employer has then 15 days to answer to you.
  • If you are not satisfied with their response, you can refer your case to a specific labour court called “prud’hommes” in France.

How much do I get as severance ?

That’s a tricky question as it depends on your seniority in the company, the grounds of your dismissal etc.

Basically, what you need to bear in mind is that : 

  • In the event of dismissal for gross misconduct, you don’t get anything
  • In other cases you get a ¼ month salary per year in the company
  • You can waive the severance package and negotiate a compensation package based on the money that the company owes you for paid leave, bonuses etc…

What happens after getting fired ?

Employees laid off through this procedure are eligible for unemployment benefits in most situations. Again, it is important to note that we are dealing with French employment law that is quite complex and sometimes calls for different outcomes in situations that look the same.

To discover how to register with the french employment agency, click here.

Getting fired on economic grounds

Why would a company resort to that ?

When in a financial plight, companies may choose to lay off staff and this creates some obligations from the employer toward the employee.

This may happen when :

  • there has been a significant shift in the market that the company didn’t adress
  • a technological change triggers significant evolutions within the company.

Are there any steps before dismissal ?

Most of the time, dismissal on economic grounds doesn’t happen from one day to another. In companies under financial or economic duress, employees are aware of the difficulties whether through official channels (HR, management) or unofficial ones (what you hear during coffee break).

This is just to say that when the first steps of a dismissal on economic grounds are taken, it’s not a complete surprise.

Before actually firing people, the employer must define the skills that he needs to retain or hire. For the people that don’t fall into these categories, the company has to offer them opportunities within the company under different positions.

Actually, even though this is an obligation under law, most of the time companies know they have to take drastic actions and need to lay off some people, so they may offer underqualified positions or to work halfway around the world…

What are the steps for a dismissal on economic grounds ?

Step 1 : Notification

You usually receive a letter or an email that invites you to a preliminary meeting (“entretien préalable” in french).

Step 2 : Preliminary meeting

Within 5 days of the reception of the notification letter, HR or management will call you in to let you present your point of view. In this meeting, you can be accompanied by any person from the company that you want.

Step 3 : Dismissal letter

Within 7 to 15 days after the meeting you’ll receive a letter of dismissal by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt (LRAR = lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception).

Is there anything I can do to dispute my dismissal ?

If you wish to dispute the grounds for dismissal, the package etc, you can refer your case to the “prud’hommes” within the french labour court. In that situation, you should get help from a professional.

How much do I get as severance ?

That’s a tricky question as it depends on your seniority in the company, the grounds of your dismissal etc.

Basically, what you need to bear in mind is that : 

  • You usually get a ¼ month salary per year in the company. This grows with your years of service.
  • You can waive the severance package and negotiate a compensation package based on the money that the company owes you for paid leave, bonuses etc…

What happens after getting fired ?

Employees laid off through this procedure are eligible for unemployment benefits in most general situations. Again, it is important to note that we are dealing with French employment law that is quite complex and sometimes calls for different outcomes in situations that look the same.

To discover how to register with the french employment agency, click here.


  • French law dictates that any termination must be caused by a genuine and serious motive. If you have the displeasure of being in such a situation one day, and feel that the break-up of your contract doesn’t have serious grounds, please get in touch with an employment law professional.
  • Make a copy or digitally store every exchange with HR or management during this procedure.
  • Paid leave : If you have not been able to take all of your leave before the end of the notice, these days will be paid to you.

Cover letter in France


Writing a cover letter is paramount in France. Most of the jobs you’ll apply to will require you to explain your motivation, what excites you about the job and how you qualify for it. This can be a bit annoying sometimes, usually when you apply for a day-job, or temp-job.

Should you write the cover letter in French ?

Most of the job listings won’t mention the language in which you should write your cover letter. We can safely assume that being a foreigner applying in France, you can write this letter in English and mention that French is not your mother tongue and get it translated.

The Header

The header will help the recruiter to know you better and how to get in touch with you. You should add as much information as you can. It is usually a good idea to mention your : 

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Linkedin profile (with a clickable link)

What should be in your cover letter ?

Your cover letter should underline your motivation, skills and ambition to apply for the job. I recommend you get these two sections in your cover letter : 

  1. The job offer and the way you understand it – what are your motivations – what is at stake for you in the job offered ?
  2. Your previous work history and how the experiences you had taught you the requested skills to perfectly fill the position.

Here are some suggestions to add to these two sections : 

  • Personal experiences and reasons why your are fit for the job : it could be a project, a passion…
  • A global and refined, concise analysis of the company, market or product related to the job offer…
  • Illustration of your remote working skills and explanation of how you managed to organise your work through the COVID-19 pandemic

Mistakes to avoid

  • Don’t begin with “I’m writing to apply for …” => Recruiters will prefer it if you mention a few words about the company, the market or if you begin with your studies.
  • Spelling mistakes => make sure you correct all of your mistakes before sending.
  • Inconsistencies / copy/paste from your CV => make sure to explain in your cover letter the experiences you mention in your CV.
  • Also check the name of the attachment, if the listing suggested one (otherwise go for something classic like NAME SURNAME – Cover Letter)
    • NEVER SEND a .doc file => you should turn your .doc file into a pdf before you send it.
  • Never send a blank email => if you send an email to the recruiter, write an abstract of your cover letter in the email, it can appeal to the recruiter and catch their attention.
  • Don’t mention a weak point => if you have one (which is good, it means you’re human)  don’t mention it, it will naturally pop up in the interview.
  • No more than 1 page => your cover letter must be short, it’s not a biography.
  • Chunks of the text are the worst to read => Lighten up your cover letter in short paragraphs and mark the most important words in bold!
  • Not explaining the acronyms => if you’re not talking about the UN or the FBI (which everyone knows about), you should write what the letters stand for.
  • Getting fancy in the end => French people like literature and style but for a cover letter, it is better to keep it simple like “Hoping my application will catch your attention”.

How to quit your job in France ?


In this article, we’ll focus on termination of the work contract at your instigation and there are two main ways to quit your job. Indeed, the relationship can be ended by either your employer or by you, like in any other country. However, the ways to do it and the consequences will be different based on who instigates the break-up.

Little disclaimer : we are not law professionals and the advice we give is of course not exhaustive. If any doubts or questions remain after reading this article, either contact us or a labour law professional.


Why would I resign ?

This could seem like a pretty basic question, but don’t forget that you’re in France and we like to complicate things… 

All jokes aside, there are two scenarios : 

  1. You’re in a permanent contract (CDI) and you can quit your job pretty much whenever you want. There are of course a couple of steps that we’ll cover below.
  2. You’re not in a permanent contract (CDD or else). Then some conditions may apply for you to resign, for example, having another firm job offer. Please check your contract before doing anything reckless !

How do I resign ?

To terminate a contract, there is one simple step and that is to notify your employer.

You can do that via email or a letter. The most important is that when reading the message, it must be clear that you’re leaving your position so that there is no room for interpretation.

We can also assume that chivalry is not dead and when dealing with other people you’ll walk the extra mile and talk to your employer or management in person or via a call to advise them on your decision before actually sending your resignation letter.

Is there a notice period when you resign ?

Answer is yes and the duration is usually specified in your contract. The period will begin as soon as the resignation letter has been tended and it’s quite the norm to outline in your resignation letter the date on which you’ll leave after the notice period has run out.

Even though there is a contractual notice period, you may negotiate with your employer to leave your position early. In this situation, it is up to you and the employer to find a common ground based on the needs of the service, the relationship you had etc.

What happens after a resignation ?

The common situation when you quit your job is that you are not eligible for unemployment benefits. However, in some situation, a resignation may trigger the benefits, usually when : 

  • You plan to take over or create a business (but you need to have worked for 5 years prior – new 2022 law)
  • You need to resign because of your partner being transferred
  • You have a plan for a training afterward

Mutually agreed termination (rupture conventionnelle)

What is a mutually agreed termination / rupture conventionnelle ?

This category of termination allows you to leave your job with the agreement of your employer. The main advantage compared to a resignation is that you are eligible for unemployment benefits after the procedure, regardless of your situation if you’ve worked for more than 4 consecutive months in France.

How do I get a mutually agreed termination ?

The procedure has a few steps but it’s really manageable. Here are the main milestones you need to follow : 

  1. Inform your employer that you wish to leave your position and do so with the procedure of mutually agreed termination and request a meeting with your employer and/or person from HR Entretien. You can have a person from the company present with you during the meeting.
  2. During the meeting, if your employer accept the procedure, you will draft the terms and conditions of the termination together (notice period, severance package etc)
  3. After you sign, the draft is submitted online to the french administration (DIRECCTE) for approval. From there, you have 15 days to recant.
  4. You get an answer within 15 days. If there is no answer after 15 days, it is deemed to be accepted, and you are free to go at the set date.

The employment contract in France

The employment contract in France can be tricky to understand. There are a lot of footnotes and impenetrable jargon. But don’t worry, reality is not as confusing as it seems.

First of all, most contracts that you’ll sign as an employee will be legitimate. It may not seem this way because of the many paragraphs and/or the wording is strange, but they are. Labour law in France is one of the most complex in the world, and most employers will rely on lawyers to draft their own versions.

Second, even though your contract is 15 pages long, there are only a few elements that need to be checked thoroughly. The rest is mainly French self-satisfaction in writing long and complex sentences (we don’t have writers like Proust for no reason…).

Little disclaimer : we are not law professionals and the advice we give is not exhaustive. If any doubts or questions remain after reading this article, either contact us or a labour law professional.

Must the employment contract be in written form on paper ?

There is a distinction in France between permanent contracts (CDI – Contrat à durée indéterminée) and temporary contracts for part-time positions (CDD – Contrats à durée déterminée).

The CDI doesn’t always have to be in written form on paper, but the vast majority of companies will have you sign one. You can always request your employer to provide you with a written contract.

The CDD always has to be in written form on paper. This also applies for fixed-term contracts (like temporary positions), or apprenticeship contracts.

A written contract is always more protective of the worker than a mere verbal agreement and it’s pretty standard to have a written contract in France.

Can I start working without a contract ?

In France, you can start working without a contract but you must make sure that you get one as soon as you can. A contract is always more protective than a verbal agreement.

Some companies may send a work confirmation letter (lettre d’engagement) in which they declare their intention to hire you. This is in no way a contract !

What should be included in the employment contract?

A permanent contract must specify:

  • The identities and addresses of all parties.
  • The job title and professional qualifications.
  • The place of work.
  • Working hours.
  • Remuneration (salary and bonuses).
  • Paid leave.
  • Duration of the trial period.
  • Notice periods in the event of contract termination.
  • A non-compete or mobility clause, if applicable.

Can I request a contract in another language ?

CDI contracts must be drafted in French.

You can always request a bilingual version or a copy translated into your own language for information purposes.

The French version of the employment contract will remain the reference version.

What is a trial period and how long can it be ?

In France, before the definitive hire, you may have to work a trial period. During this trial period the employer can fire you at any time, but you can also leave at any time, without any notice period.

Trial periods are not mandatory. They are at the employer’s discretion. The duration of the trial period varies according to your rank in the company : 

  • up to 2 months for the workers (ouvriers et employés)
  • up to 3 months for technicians (agents de maîtrise ou techniciens)
  • up to 4 months for a cadre

Your rank (worker, technician, cadre) is usually specified in your contract.

Trial periods can be renewed once.

How can I change my contract ?

Bear in mind that two changes are possible :

  • “Changes to the conditions of employment” which the employer can decide unilaterally (hours, notice period, etc.)
  • “Changes of the contract of employment” which requires the employee’s agreement and which relates to:
    • the methods of payment or the amount thereof
    • the working hours
    • the place of work
    • the employee’s job title,
    • any other information considered necessary by the parties.

How to end an employment contract ?

The CDD ends once its term is up.

The CDI can be terminated by the employer or the employee.

Bear in mind that in France, there are multiple ways to end a work contract. Here is the article about getting fired and quitting.

When it’s on the company/employer initiative, it’s then a termination (licenciement in french). You can also instigate the end of your work contract, then it’ll be either a resignation or a mutually agreed termination


  • Never write and send a blank resignation letter to your employer
  • Always check that your rank and remuneration align => Your working contract shows your rank and in France, collective agreements set a minimum amount for salary based on that rank.
  • You cannot have more than 2 consecutive CDD with the same company for the same position. If they hire you a third time in this situation in a CDD, you have to be offered a CDI.


Us, French people may have a reputation in this world, but none of us really like to sit on our asses all day long doing nothing. Don’t get me wrong, doing so for a couple of days or weeks is nice, but it’s called a holiday and it’s only temporary. Unemployment is a bit different.

Unemployment is not a holiday and the French people know this, that’s why the welfare system to help people out of unemployment is quite generous and inclusive.

In this article we will discover what is the Pôle Emploi, what is the criteria to get benefits and how does it work?

What is Pôle Emploi ?

The Pôle Emploi is the French unemployment agency. It is populated by agents meant to help you find a job and get benefits.

In France, the system relies on contributions from everyone. So, when you work, you pay taxes called social charges that are going to be used to finance the social system, whether you get this money back or not. Thus, you need to contribute before you get any.

The Pôle Emploi, among other benefits, allocates what is called the ARE (Allocation de retour à l’Emploi – back to work benefit). If you are looking for a job, you’ll spend a lot of time with them, replying to emails or actually going to their offices.

Pôle emploi

How to register for unemployment ?

What are the documents I need to submit?

Before even thinking about your registration, remember that you’re in France and like any other request you have with the administration, you’ll be expected to provide some documents, which usually are :

  • Your former working contract (because you usually cannot get unemployment benefits if you never worked)
  • Attestation Pôle Emploi (if relevant) – it is issued to you by your employer
  • A proof of ID
  • A copy of your carte vitale
  • A CV
  • Your bank details
  • A proof of address (utility or phone bill)

Can I register without having all the documents ?

Yes, you can. However, Pôle Emploi will ask you to provide them at some point, later during the registration process.

Can I register to unemployment benefits if I’m not French ?

The criteria to allocate the allowance doesn’t take your nationality into account. What is important is that you have worked in France for a couple of months (see below the criteria for more details).

The only difference if you’re a foreign resident is that you’ll be asked to provide a copy of your titre de séjour. Bear in mind that most of the “titres de séjour” make you eligible for the benefits, but not all of them. You’ll find some more info here.

This doesn’t apply if you’re from an EU/EEA country, a proof of ID is enough and you shall have no stress to be eligible or not based on your nationality. If you are arriving in France and haven’t worked there before applying for unemployment, make sure you have the tax document that you have finished your work and left the country officially.

How do I create an account ?

Step 1 : getting on the website

Cick on the link here to get to the Pôle Emploi website.

Step 2 : getting there

Scroll down to the “Je commence” Button

Step 3 : filling the pre-registration form

Yep, in France, you fill a form to make sure you’re eligible to fill the registration form.

The whole thing is in French and seeks to know a bit more about the reason you register (Q.1) and if you have registered in the past (Q.3).

Step 4 : filling the actual form

This is always the funniest when dealing with the French administration, so let’s crack our fingers and get on with it. You’ll then get a couple questions to fill. They are the same as any other admin form.

1. Your contact details, name and address and the motive for your registration (yep, it should be the same than in Q1)

2. You’ll be asked about your situation (when you left your job, what was your status etc.). The French administrative logic also dictates that you’ll provide your bank details here (and not when you filled your contact infos just above…)

3. You’ll be asked about your previous work experiences and diplomas, so get your CV in order, your qualifications, driving licence etc.

4. You’ll finally be required to book a time for a first meeting with an advisor (see below). It’s not clear if they have an English speaking option.

What happens during the first meeting ?

As strange as it seems, the French government doesn’t want to give you money if you’re gonna be lazy. That’s why this first meeting takes place. It’ll help the advisor get to know you and your project. The idea is to draft what is called a “projet personnalisé d’accès à l’emploi” (PPAE) / personalized project to get a job.

This meeting will determine if you get the benefit or not, and in order to convince the advisor, here are a couple of tips : 

  • Come prepared with a solid and bulletproof project (at least a plan). It’s always good to come with a plan B and C. So that the advisor sees that you’re motivated.
  • Show that you can handle your job search on your own. This will take the advisor off your back and you won’t get meetings every other week to check your progress. Usually, the advisor likes to see independent people that can handle themselves.

How does unemployment benefits work ?

What are the criteria to receive unemployment benefits ?

There are 5 main criteria you need to think of, which I will present to you as questions. If you answered yes to all of them, you’re on a good track:

  • Did you leave your previous job involuntarily or through the mutually agreed termination procedure ?
  • Did you work in France for at least 6 months in the last 2 years ?
  • Did you register to Pôle Emploi within 12 months after leaving your last job ?
  • Are you actively looking for a job ?
  • Are you available for work right away ?

Regarding your status as a foreigner, I refer you to the paragraphs above.

How do I receive compensation ?

Every month, you’ll receive an email requiring you to update your status on the Pôle Emploi website.

It’s a list of questions to assess if you’re still looking for a job that you have to fill every month ! 

You usually answer no to every question but beware, the last question must be a yes !

How is the unemployment compensation calculated ?

Let’s get to the numbers, now. Pôle Emploi provides you with a monthly allowance. This benefit equals 57% of your gross salary. It is also capped at 4 or 5k/month. Of course, the calculation is more complicated than that but that’s a rough estimate.

Can the payments stop ?

There are a couple of cases when then payments can stop : 

  • If you you refuse two job offers made through Pôle Emploi (not the ones that you look for yourself)
  • If you don’t provide the required documents in due time 
  • If you refuse a training course required by Pôle Emploi
  • If you miss the monthly registration
  • When you find another job

Bear also in mind that if your allowance is above 85,18€ a day, then after 9 months, your benefit will be cut by 30%

How long do I receive unemployment benefits for?

As you worked for a minimum of 6 months to become eligible, you’ll be compensated for at least 6 months.

Then, basically, you remain eligible for as long as you contributed during your previous jobs. this means that if you’ve worked for 1 year, you’ll get benefits for 1 year. Once again, the calculation is trickier than that. I’m just giving you the big picture here.

To date, the maximum period to get unemployment benefits is 2 years.

Can I get unemployment benefits and a salary at the same time ?

Programs are being set up to cumulate benefits and work revenues. Of course, you won’t get the full amount of your benefit but as your salary grows, the benefit will decrease.

What happens if I don’t get any benefits ?

Then, it means that you were not eligible for unemployment benefits. However, it does not mean that you cannot register with the Pôle Emploi.

Indeed, the registration can grant you access to trainings and courses that could be relevant in your project.

Also, other benefits may be available to you, noticeably the ASS (Allocation supplémentaire de solidarité) – yep, a funny name! Please get in touch with your Pôle Emploi advisor to know more about it.

Tips :

  • The form is in French. If you need any help please send us a message
  • Don’t forget to update your status every month to receive the benefits
  • Most of the training offered by Pôle Emploi are in French – a good way to develop your skills in French !

Writing a CV

Writing a CV (Curriculum Vitae) or resume, is not specific to France compared to other countries, but a few sections may only appear within a French CV. Here is a list of the basics you should know to write a CV for a French recruiter !

What should be in your CV

Personal Information

  • Your photo
  • Name
  • Home address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn profile (with a clickable link if you’re sending a PDF of your CV)


  • French people are very big on degrees, so if you have one or more, do mention it!
  • Mention the French equivalent of your degree, e.g. A-level or Abitur would be the French Baccalauréat
  • If this is your first job, mention your grades, favourite subjects, title of a research paper that you did and could be relevant to the job you’re applying for

Professional Experiences

  • Start with your most recent experience first!
  • Mention the name of the companies, the dates you worked there, the geographical area you were based
  • Add a little description of the role you held and the tasks you performed and begin with active verbs 


  • Skills in a CV range from general IT (MS Office, G-Suite etc…) to courses you may have taken (first-aid, fire marshall, etc.)
  • Regarding IT, only mention the software that you actually handle. E.g: if you write “Microsoft Office”, it is very possible that you’ll be asked to perform some tasks using the software, so don’t get too creative
  • Mention if you have a driving licence and what kind of vehicles you can drive


  • As a foreigner, you can really stand out here. Keep in mind that French people are often monolingual, so highlight your language and specify your level


  • French recruiters are used to seeing this in a CV, don’t forget it, it could make the difference for you to be chosen or not
  • Mention the sports you practise, the instruments you play, how you busy yourself outside of work
  • Keep in mind that French recruiters love a nice work-life balance, on paper


  • Mention your soft skills (team-player, good listener, efficient facing a deadline,…)
  • Enhance your presentation with some design, but don’t go too crazy

Mistakes to avoid

  • Spelling mistakes ➡ make sure you correct all of your mistakes before clicking send
  • Gaps in your history ➡ make sure that the any gaps in your CV are explained in your cover letter
  • Sending a .doc file ➡ you should turn your .doc file into a PDF before you send it
  • Don’t mentioning everything ➡ Don’t put your full work history on your CV, only select the most relevant experiences to the job you are applying for
  • Multiple pages ➡ a French CV must fit onto one page only
  • Chunky text ➡ Lighten up your CV and bold the most important words.

Reading a Payslip

Every month, you get a piece of paper and you never know what the figures mean ? Here is the answer to your questions about reading your payslip.

Section 1 : employer ID

What is it?

This section recaps the information about your employer. Here is what you’ll find : 

  • Name and address of the company
  • N° SIRET & APE : these are legal registration numbers for French companies
  • Convention Collective : in France, every company belongs to a syndicate of companies of the same kind of activities (not a union). This syndicate can set some rules about work hours, pay, holidays … different to the main work law of France. A basic principle is that if you’re different from the common rule, it must be more favourable to the employees.

Is this section of the payslip important?

Not really if everything is fine with your company.

It can become interesting if you start having trouble with your company because the convention collective’s website can give you some context about why some rules apply to you.

Note : this section is mandatory on every pay payslip in France. If it’s not mentioned, you can ask your employer to rectify the situation.

Section 2 : Employee ID

What is it?

These are all the information pertinent to you. You’ll find there : 

  • your name and address ; 
  • Social security number
  • Type of job (Emploi)
  • Status in the company (coefficient / classification)

Is this section of the payslip important?

Yes, it is important for two reasons : 

  1. If there is a mistake regarding your personal information, your salary may not reach your bank account. Make sure you alert your company to modify anything that’s wrong.
  2. Your salary, bonuses etc are set based on guidelines defined in the Convention Collective. Based on your coefficient and classification there are upper and lower limits to your remuneration. If you have time, it’s always interesting to have a look at the website of the Convention Collective and make sure your salary is within these boundaries.

Section 3 : gross salary

What is it?

This figure is what the company pays when it transfers your salary. In France, you have to deduct around 25% of that gross salary to get your net salary amount.

This also includes if you took days off, and how many.

Is this section of the payslip important?

Yep, this shows exactly what you’ll be paid.

Section 4 : Social contributions and taxes

What is it?

Ok, let’s take a deep breath, because this is where it gets technical and physical. This whole yellow section recaps all the taxes and social contributions applied to your salary. It would be simple to apply a rate, like 20% on to your gross salary and say that’s what the state takes to finance social security – but we’re in France, that would be too simple (wink wink).

Here is the method to decipher this list of figures, from left to right : 

  • The first column is the destination of the money (for retirement, for unemployment…)
  • The second column gives you the basis on which the rate will be applied. As an example : Securité social – maladie maternité applies on the whole gross salary BUT the complémentaire santé tranche A only applies on a fraction of your gross salary.
  • The third column gives you the applied rate : on this payslip the applied rate is 6.8% on CSG déductible de l’impôt sur le revenu.
  • The fourth column is the amount of the tax withheld on your gross salary
  • The fifth column is a matching amount of what the employers pay (quick note : your gross salary is not everything that the employers pay, there is a gross gross salary that includes employer taxes).

Finally, you can find there some lines about : 

  • Reimbursement of transport fees (IND TRANSP REG PARIS)
  • Restaurant tickets (you get this if your company does not offer a subsidised cantine)
  • Income tax (In France, it’s deducted at the source and you can see there how much you paid and the applied rate / you can modify this applied rate on impots.gouv.fr)

Is this section of the payslip important?

Not for all the taxes and social contributions, but yes when we get to the income tax.

Section 5 : Net salary

What is it?

When you’ve removed all the taxes and contributions from your gross salary, you get a net salary. That’s the big figure (€3469.22). But that’s not what you get on your account, because you have to apply the income tax to this net salary to get your net net salary (the figure circled in red).

Is this section of the payslip important?

Yes, it is the whole purpose of the payslip! It also recaps how much you’ve paid in taxes and some other info that could be useful to get loans etc as some banks require you to give your “net fiscal” which is greater than your net salary.

Section 6 : Holidays

What is it?

Last off, the holidays. You know these are sacred in France. Here is what this section means: 

  • CP EN COURS : the amount of days of “congés payés” that the employee will get over the year (from June 1st to May 31st).
  • CP ACQUIS : the amount of days of “congés payés” that the employee received over the last periode (from June 1st to May 31st n-1).
  • SOLDE CP EN COURS : the number of days of “congés payés” that you acquire over the year that remains for you to use until May 31st.
  • SOLDE CP ACQUIS : the number of days of “congés payés” that you acquired over the last period (year N-1) that remains for you to use until May 31st.

Note : JATT is a kind of congé payé.

Is this section of the payslip important?

Of course, there you have all information about the days off you have left and how many you will accumulate over the year.


Discover the Difference: CDI vs. CDD Employment Contracts in France.


Looking for job security in France? Consider the CDI (Contrat à Durée Indéterminée), a permanent working contract without a predetermined end date. In other words, it’s the most prevalent type of employment contract. Indeed, a CDI offers unparalleled stability besides peace of mind for employees.


On the other hand, there’s the CDD (Contrat à Durée Déterminée). As the name suggests, it’s a fixed-term contract designed for temporary work or specific projects. Contrary to the CDI, the CDD has a defined start and end date, and consequently may not provide the same level of job security.

What does each contract represent?For a permanent position and someone who will be employed for the long runUsually temporary replacement (maternity leave, holidays etc).
To cope with a surge in operations.
Sometimes to trial the employee beore offering a CDI.
Do I need a written contract?Yes, for both, written and signed!
Never start working before you’ve signed your contract!!
Are the responsibilities and expectations the same?Usually you’ll complete a probation period and are expected to “perform”pass”. A CDI is a long-term contract that commits both of the employer and the employee.Most of the time, the level of responsibility will be lower.
Is the salary the same?The salary of a CDI is usually higher. Also, as you’ll stay in the company longer, you may get bonuses and promotions.You’ll probably be paid less (around 14% less according to French statistics). Most of the time, the bonuses will be lower and pay raises are rare.
Can you request one or the other from your employerThe type of contract is in the vast majority of cases is set by the employer and visible in the job ad. 
It’s really not commonplace to ask for a CDD when you can have a CDI.If you have a CDD, you can negotiate with your employer to have him consider switching your contract when it reaches the final weeks.
Is there a trial period?Most of the time, yes. It can be up to 4 months and renewable for the same amount of time (so 8 months in total).Check our work contract articleCould be, but not always. Max. 1 month.
Is it temporary or permanent?PermanentTemporary (can only have two CDDs in a row, if you have 3 in a row, the third one can be reconsidered as a CDI)
What’s the duration?Until you retire, if you don’t quit before!There is no minimum length. The maximum length is 18 months (in general).
Are the working conditions the same?Duration of the workday (35h/week in the general case, not if you’re cadre / maximum 48h a week)
Night work (and rest day or over pay)
Weekly rest days (usually Sat and Sun)
Bank holidays
Holidays 2.5 days per month2.5 days per month but if you don’t take your leave before the end of your CDD, you can be compensated
Is there a difference in social protection?No
What are the perks?They are the same:
Ticket restaurant or a cantine at the workplace
Reimbursement of half of the transport fees
Employee savings scheme (if there is one)
How can I end my contract?Resignation
Lay off
Rupture Conventionnelle
Natural end of the CDD
Lay off
For both, make sure to check the length of your notice period.
Do you get chômage/unemployment benefits?Resignation = No
Lay off = Yes
Rupture conventionnelle = Yes
Natural end of the CDD = Yes, if you have worked for at least 6 months (and prime de précarité if you don’t get a CDI after)
Resignation = No
Lay off = Yes, and you get compensation for the time in your contract you’ll will not finish

How to choose?

In short, France is often recognised for its workers protections, which include prioritising the well-being of their employees. In addition to minimum standards like maximum working hours, minimum wages, and paid leave entitlements. Nevertheless, workers have employee benefits, job security first as described above in addition to the famous French right to disconnect.

Explore the nuances between these two contract types and make an informed decision about your employment prospects in France. For this reason, choose the option that aligns with your long-term goals as well as aspirations.

Have a look at your plans and goals for the short- and long-term, which working contract and which field of work would best match your ambitions. Then, once you’ve started forming an idea, head over to our article on how to find a job!