What to do in an emergency!

Today’s blog was inspired by two robbers who broke into my apartment. Motivated by this robbery, I wanted to cover several scenarios that merit an “emergency” status, so I’ve also included a leak (I had one in 2022), a flood (I had one in 2017), a fire (touch wood) and having your small valuable items stolen.

Overall we thought it might be helpful to make sure you know how to handle different emergencies. Here’s what you need to know:


If your wallet or phone is stolen:

  • Immediately call your bank to cancel any credit cards or report the theft of your phone to your service provider. You can read in Antje’s interview how quickly the thieves went to work on her documents!
  • Report the theft to the police as soon as possible. Do this either online or by going to your nearest police station.
  • Write down the details of what was stolen, including any serial numbers or descriptions of the items. Add these to your opened report with the police.

How to best prepare to prevent your wallet or phone to be stolen:

While there is no foolproof way to prevent theft, try to keep your belongings close to you and always be aware of your surroundings. Keep your wallet and/or phone close to your body, especially in crowded areas. If you have to use either, hold it close to you and keep a tight grip. Do not carry large amounts of cash.

Password-proof your phone and back it up regularly, this way when it goes missing, you keep your data. Install a tracking app on your phone which can help you remotely track or lock it once it’s gone. 

Breaking & Entering

If you experience a break-in:

As someone who lives in Paris, the best mindset to have is not to wonder if someone will try and rob your home, but that it will happen, and you can only best prepare for when this moment happens.

  • Call the police immediately.
  • Do not touch anything or move anything in the room until the police arrive.
  • Call your insurance, especially if there was damage to the door. Only an insurance-approved locksmith will be reimbursed, so don’t go calling a locksmith on your own, the cost will be horrendous and you won’t get reimbursed!
  • Write down what was stolen or damaged and start gathering invoices if you have any. 
  • File a proper police report, you will need to go there in person – be mindful that you’ll probably have to wait a few hours until it’s your turn to give your statement. You need to file the report for the report number, which is mandatory to file an insurance claim.
  • Open a claim with your insurance – this can take forever, so I won’t give any advice here.

How to best prepare to prevent your home being broken into:

Keep your home locked when you leave. Consider installing deadbolts or other security locks for added protection, if you can. Investing in a home security system, such as a burglar alarm, will significantly reduce your chances of being burgled, as thieves like to work in silence. To quote the policeman who came to my home after my robbery: “people with burglar alarms do not get burgled”. 

Don’t advertise your absence, avoid announcing you’re gone for a prolonged amount of time on social media or telling taxi drivers or delivery people, any strangers, really. Finally, get a security camera for your house. This way you can monitor your home while you are gone, and any wrongdoings are caught on tape which you can later share with the police.

Water Damage

If you experience a leak:

  • Turn off the water supply to stop the leak. 
  • Turn off the electricity supply to avoid any risk of electrocution.
  • If you need a plumber, call your insurance to get it validated by them – if you don’t, they won’t pay for it. This is how I once lost €4000.
  • If the leak is affecting a neighbour’s property, let them know what’s happening, tell them your insurance has been informed and that you are working on resolving this. They, too, will contact their insurance.
  • Call the fire station if the water is rising quickly, they will help you once they arrive
  • Move your furniture and belongings to higher ground if possible.

How to best prepare to prevent a leak:

Regularly inspect your pipes for signs of corrosion, wear, or damage. If you notice any problems, get them repaired as soon as possible. High water pressure can cause pipes to burst, so make sure to check your home’s water pressure regularly and adjust it if necessary. Insulating pipes can help prevent them from freezing during the winter, which can cause leaks.

If you have old plumbing in your home, consider replacing it. Older pipes are more likely to leak or burst, and they may also contain harmful substances like lead. Only flush toilet paper and human waste down the toilet. Flushing other items like wipes, sanitary products, or cooking fat can clog pipes and lead to leaks. Personally, if I wasn’t sure, I would cut the main water mine at my home when I would leave the house, “just in case”.


If you experience a fire:

  • Call the fire station immediately.
  • Evacuate the building as quickly as possible.
  • Stay low to avoid smoke inhalation.
  • Once you are out of the building, do not go back in until the fire department gives the all-clear.

How to best prepare to prevent a fire:

Ensure that you have smoke detectors installed on every level of your home and in each bedroom. Test them monthly and replace the batteries at least once a year. Stay in the kitchen when you’re cooking and keep a close eye on your food. Keep flammable items like oven mitts and paper towels away from the stove, and always make sure you turn off the stove and oven when you finished preparing your meal.

Don’t overload electrical outlets: this can cause them to spark and start a fire. Make sure to use only one plug per outlet and avoid using extension cords when possible. If you have a space heater, keep them at least three feet away from flammable items and never leave them unattended. Store flammable liquids like gasoline, paint thinner, and alcohol in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources and sparks.

Make sure you have emergency contact numbers with you at all times, and make sure you know the location of the nearest police station, fire station, and hospital.

Making new Friends

One of the questions I get the most is about making friends, particularly in the context of moving to a new city or country. Making friends, especially as an adult, is not easy.

My advice is to build up the courage and put yourself out there. Luckily we live in the age of the internet, we have countless resources available to us to meet new people. 

Making friends in France

This topic can be divided into two main categories, making international friends, and making local friends.

Finding international friends is much easier, as you are diving into a pool of people who are usually in a similar situation as yourself – new in town, trying to meet new people and open to new experiences.

Meeting local people is a bit more difficult as they usually already have a group of friends and are less open to widening their circle, however they do exist!

Adapting to the French culture

One of the things I found helpful is to learn more about French culture to better connect with French people. From basic things like understanding which football clubs are popular, to what cultural activities or restaurants are popular at any time, having this information can help.

Have you read the recent bestselling book, have you been to the latest exhibition or new film in the cinema?

People like to talk about new and popular things, it can help if you can participate in this conversation. Has there been a political or celebrity scandal, is there a recent development in the news that people are discussing, or are you also exhausted of something that gets on everyone’s nerves?

These are all great starting points. 

Online resources

As aforementioned, there are countless resources, however some of my favourite and easiest ones are:

Reddit: there are groups for each city, for example r/Paris, r/SocialParis, r/Lyon, r/Toulouse, r/NiceFrance, r/AixMarseille and more. Very often people ask if others would like to meet up or join them for planned activities, and the posts I’ve seen always have replies!

MeetUp: probably the most popular app to meet new people, with an endless offer of groups available, you can find like minded people to play board games, discuss books, go hiking, play football or do other sports, language exchanges, or just party!

InterNations: Not free, but I’ve had decent feedback. Internations specialise in the expat communities around the world and host frequent events everywhere. Once you sign up you can participate at events, usually for a small fee, and then meet many other people trying to connect with other people.

Facebook: Among the groups on facebook there usually are “Germans in Lyon”, “Spanish in Toulouse”, “British in Nice”, you get the idea. There will be social groups, local groups, find the one you feel most attuned to, join, and ask others if they want to do something – the posts I’ve seen usually gather up to 30 likeminded people which starts the conversation.

Local Groups: 

When I lived in Toulouse I joined Toulangues, a language exchange program that pairs you up with French people who want to learn your language. It was an easy way to meet locals and I learned some French along the way.

MyLanguageExchange offers a similar project in Marseille and Lyon, people write ads who they wish to connect with.

Tandem is also a language exchange, however this also works online and you don’t need to meet the people in person.

Sports Clubs:

Several of my international friends have met their tribe by joining local sports clubs, tennis, football, hiking groups or even playing chess in the park – have a look in your city if you can find activities you like, and give it a go !

What is the “Summer Plage”?

The Paris Plage got its name from a beach in the village of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage in the mid-1960s. They named it Paris Plage because of its relative proximity to the French capital. Many Parisians would come to visit on weekends during the summer months.

In short, the plage is an artificial beach that shows up every summer on the banks of the Seine River. Other French cities also have similar temporary beaches or “plages urbaines” during the summer.

The idea to install “Plages” across the country came from the French city of Saint-Quentin in Aisle in 1996. Due to social action needed for their somewhat 60 000 inhabitants, the city decided to transform the square in front of the Marie into a beach. They turned it into a real beach with sand, games, and pools. It was such a huge success it became an annual attraction.

The concept of “plages urbaines”, also outside of Paris, originated in the early 2000s as a way to provide city dwellers with an opportunity to enjoy the beach experience without having to travel to coastal areas. 

Good to know: all activities are completely free, there usually is a program on the website or on site where you can see what the offering is.

Today you’ll easily find one near you. They usually begin during the national French Summer holidays July and August. Designed to offer the same leisure and activities one would find on their holidays at a beach resort. I myself have gone to the Toulouse Plage and made use of the book library, board games library, a French language course and beach volleyball. 

Paris Plage, July – September 4th

Toulouse Plage, July – August 28

To find a Plage near you, head to Google and type “your city name” + “Plage été” and you can find it. Alternatively, go to your city’s website and look at their Summer offering. It’s more than just sports or swimming, you can also take part in a course or learn new skills. Grab a friend, put on your sandals, and enjoy having your feet in the sand where you usually would not!

Going to the Library

The library remains one of the last places in the world where there is no expectation for you to spend any money. One of the things I love about France is that library culture is alive and well and very accessible. Libraries are spread across the country, usually easy to find and join. This blog will cover the particularities of libraries in France.

Public Libraries:

Most of the 16.000 public libraries in France are the responsibility of local and regional authorities (la ministère de la culture). Most of the things you want to see/know/do can be accessed online. You can find your closest one by going to the relevant website:

How to register:

Now that the first step is done, you should register as a member, you can sometimes do this online (have a look on the library’s website). You can also go in person and register with one of the members of staff. They will ask you for a photo, one identity document (identity card, passport, driving licence, residence permit or family record book for children) and proof of your address. Normally the process is very quick so you can get your card directly after you register, this is free and valid for the following 12 months. You need to remember to renew your card after it expires every year, by going back and speaking to a member of staff. This usually takes less than 5 minutes.

What to borrow:

You can now borrow books. Each library has their own rules on how many at a time. Other than books some also offer digital products, sheet music, CDs, films, access to computers, televisions and musical instruments. Note that most libraries have a foreign language section, meaning you can find books written in English, German, Spanish, Italian and more!

The Event Calendar:

Each library will have a calendar (in the building or online) where you can review the program for the month. The offering is plentiful – from film showings to history classes, help with writing a CV, language courses, drawing classes, interviews with authors, board games… Most people will find something that they are interested in. The offering is usually free of charge, and you will see in the program if you have to register or not.

You like your library quiet?

Libraries are also frequently used by students to study and prepare for their exams. You will notice when more and more young people take up the free spaces around the table. They tend to go to the libraries that are open the latest. If you prefer your library calmer, you can choose one that closes in the late afternoon.

Notable Libraries:

  • Bibliothèque Mazarine in Paris: the oldest public library in France, dating back to the 17th century. They have an original Gutenberg Bible.
  • La Tête Carrée in Lyon: It’s the architecture of the library that secured a spot on this list, we invite you to have a quick online.
  • Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire in Strasbourg: The library was stands since 1891 and has the second-largest collection in France. Despite being bombarded many times during the war it still stands strong. 
  • La bibliothèque Oscar Niemeyer in Havre: more fantastic architecture, designed by Brazilian architect of the same name.

Do you want to add anything? Which is your favourite library, and why? Mine is in Paris, Médiathèque Françoise Sagan. The building gives the impression to be in the South of France with the palm trees. There is plenty of space to sit in- and outside and they have a great collection. Even books in languages I can read, and a piano on the top floor to play!

Le Bouillon

Bouillon, origin in French: bouillir, English: to boil.

In France, however, a bouillon is so much more than just broth – it’s one of my favourite types of restaurant. A Bouillon Parisien is a large, usually older restaurant that serves traditional French cuisine for a low price point, and the wine is sold by the size of the bottle – there is a variety to choose from!

a bouillon selection of wine sizes


Founded in 1855, French butcher Pierre-Louis Duval from Montlhéry, started selling boiled beef in its broth at a fixed price on rue de Montesquieu.

This was close to the market stalls of Les Halles, so the workers started coming regularly to eat. The success led him to open several more of these establishments. By 1900, Paris alone had more than 250 bouillons, now the name for a cheap eatery that serves good food fast, essentially France’s version of fast food before fast food really was a thing.

In literature:

You know the wild nights of the French authors and artists near Montparnasse, getting drunk and arguing politics and philosophy that led to masterpieces such as Les Mandarins (Simone de Beauvoir) or À la Recherche du Temps Perdu (Marcel Proust) – they probably took place in a bouillon.

The Menu:

What dishes can you expect when going to a bouillon? You will always find the French staples, divided into entrée, plat, dessert, and cheese.

Starters include Oeufs Mayonnaise, boiled eggs filled with mayonnaise for 2,50€, l’Os à Moelle – bone marrow – for 4,20€ or Escargots, snails, for 7€. Popular “Plats” include Soupe à l’Oignon gratinée au Cantal – French onion soup with cheese for 8,50€, the famous Steak Frites for 11,80€ or Cuisse de Poulet, chicken with french fries for 9,80€.

Desserts are an event in itself – if you want to try all the “classics” at a low price point at once, head to your nearest bouillon and order Riz au Lait, Baba au Rhum, Pain Perdu, Île Flottante, Tarte Citron, Mousse au Chocolat, Crème Brûlée and Profiteroles. All under 5€, all delicious.

Each time I have visitors in Paris, without fail I will take them to a bouillon. The atmosphere is busy and joyful, the food is good and cheap, and there is plenty of wine! 

There will be one in a city near you:






Setting up your Household

If you’re anything like me, you are not moving to a new country (or city) with your entire household in tow. You pack your things, your clothes and essential items plus those things that are not replaceable, and start from scratch at your new place.

Having set up a new household this three times now (so far) in my life, I consider myself somewhat of an expert and in this blog I will share all my learnings with you. If there are any tips and tricks I have missed but you know, please send me a message and I will add them

In this article I won’t be covering topics like finding an apartment or the moving process itself, we’ll begin where you already have the keys to your room / apartment, and want to set up your household. Depending if you are renting a furnished or an unfurnished room / apartment, you’ll already have some things in place.

If you are renting a furnished property, your landlord must provide you with furniture, bedding, kitchen appliances, tableware, lighting and cleaning utensils.

Furnished or unfurnished, here is where you can procure items at any price point:


Having a laptop and internet is essential for this option because you’re going to have to not only hunt for free items, but be the first one to strike. Finding free items is possible in several places online, and any social media that offers a marketplace (like facebook, for example). 

The top destination for free items for your household is leboncoin.fr, the craigslist, gumtree or eBay Kleinanzeigen of France. At the top, you can select what items you are looking for, and then at the maximum price you add “0€” or “don (gratuit)” which means donation. You will find a plethora of items, the only catch is that you have to collect them yourselves (99% of the time). On leboncoin.fr you can also set an alert, so list what you want and then receive an email each time there is a hit. 

Another popular website is nextdoor.com, where you can post an ad if you’re looking for something specific, or respond to ads from people who are giving away their things. Local facebook groups, reddit forums or even on vinted.com (sort by 0€) can turn up results without you having to pay money for the items.


Working with a small budget is made very easy in France because of the wonderful secular charity Emmaüs, founded by Abbé Pierre in 1949 in Paris, to combat poverty and homelessness. They have chapters all over the country, and in these locations you can purchase all items for your household at a low price point. Emmaüs sells everything, from furniture to dishes, cutlery to pots & pans, clothing, shoes, picture frames, electronic items, mirrors, board games, records, mattresses – really, everything you can imagine. You can find your nearest chapter by searching on this map. 

There are different types of Emmaüs locations, from huge warehouses to small shops in city centres, depending on what items you need, make sure you choose the right location. They also have an online shop. Transporting the items back to your place is up to you, some Emmaüs offer a delivery service for an extra fee, alternatively you can try your luck on public transport (I’ve done both metro and bus to move furniture by myself) or ask a friend who is lucky enough to have a car.

If you prefer new items in your budget have a look at H&M Home, Hema, or consider your local supermarkets, most Carrefour, Monoprix and Franprix have some basics available. In most neighbourhoods there will also be local stores, family-owned businesses, that offer most of the items you are looking for – have a wander around and see if you can find any near you!


Ikea. If you have some money to spend, most cities have an Ikea nearby. If you don’t, there often will be an Ikea shuttle that will take you there (and back) free of charge, google “ikea+shuttle+city”” and you should find a good result. I’ve used this service both in Toulouse and Paris, it worked great if you plan well. If you plan to buy large furniture this shuttle is not for you, you can either hire a man with a van (on leboncoin.fr or yoojo.fr) or just wait at Ikea, there usually are a bunch of people offering their services. Be sure to negotiate a price before getting in the car, usually it is around 50€ – 100€. 

Another option to find household items that I personally love is Selency, an online flea market. You can find unique pieces from all over the place and have them delivered directly to you – there are options for every price point (except for free). A great alternative to Selency of course are real flea markets, each city has them and you can check your city on Vide Greniers or Calendrier des Brocantes. If you want new items, look no farther than Zara Home, Maisons du Monde, Muji, Casa,or  La Redoute

A third option available is to find people who are dissolving their households and are trying to find a buyer for all of their things – especially if you are starting with nothing and need everything, this can be a great solution for you! You can find these listings on expat facebook groups, expat forums, and soon also on Urban Index!


If money is no object and you want to avoid the previous two categories, there are several options to choose from.

One of the most popular store is Habitat, not only do they have a decent selection of items, but their sales are very generous and you can find a good deal. If you like their basics, it’s worth getting “la carte habitat” as you can save money on deliveries and access their private sales events.

Another very popular store is Roche Bobois, the items purchased there are unique and usually fall into the luxury category. If your budget is uncapped, you can head to the Galeries Lafayette, La Samaritaine, La Grande Epicerie de Paris and other similar department stores, they’ll stock what you are looking for from various designer brands.

I hope this will make the prospect of setting up shop less daunting and you feel equipped on how, and where to get started once the time comes!