Where to find a  job online in France

Finding and applying for a job online in France starts with updating your CV.

There are several ways to find a job online in France. Usually, people look for job opportunities on job boards and directly on the company websites of which they’re interested in.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for on job pages, you can still make a spontaneous application (candidature spontanée) to the company you want to work at. Most of the companies in France have a section where you can submit a CV and a cover letter.

French Websites and job boards

You’ll find a lot of job boards in France, each one tailored to your needs. We’ve selected a couple of the ones most used by French people for you here :

Student jobs :

Freelance :

Professional : Cadre

How to apply to a job in France

The basic requirements to apply to a job in France are the same as in any other country and most of the time, they are mentioned in the job description.

Here is a checklist of the documents you should provide and update when you apply for a job in France :

  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Recommendation from previous coworkers or employers (usually, in France, you can ask for a recommendation from the manager or coworker of the company you just left. Make sure you have a good relationship with them before you do so).
  • Interview

You can see we’ve broken down this article into multiple articles, it’s a complex topic and when done right can be quite fast.

For those of you looking for a tl;dr: create your CV and cover letter and bring your LinkedIn profile up to scratch – submit online for consideration and hope to land an interview!

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