In France, you need a fiscal number “numéro fiscal” to pay your taxes. Here is the way to get one.
How do I get a “numéro fiscal” to pay taxes?
In France, in order to pay taxes, you need a “numéro fiscal”. It is a personal 13-digit number that the taxes administration uses to categorize every tax-paying resident in France.
Step 2
Then, click on “Vous n’avez pas encore de numéro fiscal” and click on the link that will appear when you unfold the tab.
Step 3
A new page will open, you’ll have to fill it like shown underneath and, then, click on the box “Je n’ai pas de numéro fiscal” on the last row.
Then the page will unfold, revealing this paragraph. Just click on the second link.
Step 4
Fill in the form and send it. After that, you’ll have to wait a bit for fiscal administration to process your request and get your “numéro fiscal”.