Going to the pharmacy in France

This is a sign that you’ll find often in France: the green flickering cross of the pharmacy.

Here are a couple of things you should know about pharmacies in France.  

What is a French pharmacy ?

Don’t worry, there aren’t any big reveals, pharmacies are places to buy medicine, but a couple elements differ from what you may be familiar with in your country.

What is sold in a pharmacy ?

In France, a pharmacy sells ONLY medicine and health products – compared to some countries, where pharmacies also sell everyday products, you won’t find any TP or last minute groceries in a French pharmacy.

What is a parapharmacie ?

Parapharmacie is a category of items found in pharmacies and supermarkets that are linked to health and beauty. It’s not medicine, but rather skincare products, hair products, dental products, hygiene products, dietary supplements and much, much more.

Can I find medicinal products outside of a pharmacy ?

The answer is no. From ibuprofen to very specific medicines you might need for a condition like asthma, you can only find them in a pharmacy, never in a supermarket or other store.

What about emergency situations ?

Generally pharmacies in France, like any other shops, have classic opening hours from like 10 am to 7 or 8 pm.

However, for emergency situations, the pharmacies in a city or a certain neighborhood organise opening shifts. These are the “pharmacie de garde” and you can find the closest pharmacie de garde here.

How do I get my medicine ?

Do I always need a prescription to get medicine ?

No, some medications are available without any prescription. For instance, for minor conditions like a cold, a little fever etc, you don’t have to go to the doctor to get a prescription. Just go to the pharmacy and explain your situation, they’ll give you the products you need.

However, some meds do require a prescription. Giving you an exact list of the meds available with or without a prescription would be too long and boring. Just go to the nearest pharmacy and ask if you can get the product.

How do I get a prescription ? 

Pharmacists are not allowed to prescribe medicine. Only doctors can.

If you need specific medicine, go to see your GP first. Here is the article about going to the doctor.

Tips :

  • Pharmacists only sell, but never prescribe medicine – only doctors can.
  • Don’t forget your Carte Vitale, it’ll help you get reimbursed by your health insurance for your medicine.
  • For minor conditions, pharmacists can sell you some products if they are available without a prescription.

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