Internet Subscriptions in France

When deciding between internet subscriptions in France you want to check what internet you are eligible for: ADSL or Fiber. Fiber is faster, but your building has to be equipped with a fiber connection. You also should consider what your budget looks like. You can find out with a quick address search if your building has fiber access by clicking here or here.

How to choose an internet subscription in France?

There are THOUSANDS of offers at any time on the market. So knowing what type of connection you have and what your budget is (checklist below), is very helpful. In France, signing up for internet can also come with a TV option. So deciding if you want TV access, or access to private, provider-owned channels such as OCS (Orange Cinéma Séries) in addition to possible streaming services (Netflix, Disney+, you get the idea) is also good to have in the back of your mind.

Here’s a quick checklist:

  • Do I have DSL or Fiber?
  • Do I want TV access?
  • What’s my budget?
  • Do I want the ability to cancel anytime?
  • Do I want a cheap offer now that will increase in a year?
  • Do I need a human representative to ask questions to down the line or can I survive in a chat with google translate?

I recommend to head to one of the comparison sites using the info you have collected above – there are several, I usually find mine by googling “meilleur internet Paris” or “internet Paris pas cher” and it’ll come up, top choices being, or

Here are the internet subscription keywords to look out for:

  1. “Sans engagement” – meaning you can cancel at any time
  2. “Frais de location” rental fees, you want to avoid this, having “Incluse dans le prix de la box” is better
  3. “Prix fixe” – fixed price. A lot of offers increase after 12/24 months, look out for this!

Once you find your perfect provider, remember booking an appointment to install the box is mandatory and you need to be home. These appointments are given out at random so make sure you can be flexible (a lot of employers understand if you explain the situation).

If you are installing Fiber internet, remember to have access to the basement, there often is a key involved, and without it the technician cannot finish the installation. You’ll have to book another appointment to finalise, and that can take another couple of weeks.

All this being said, word on the street is that Orange has the best internet, I myself use RED and they sometimes have a dropout, but nothing too dramatic, and anytime I walk by a FREE shop there is a long line of angry looking customers – just saying ????

Good to know:

If you ever move or change provider, you will need to return your internet router box, so make sure to hold on to the packaging and not damage it – not returning these items usually comes with a steep fee – make sure to read the fine print of your contract!

Telecommunications in France

Getting set up in terms of telecommunications is probably one of the first things you should take care of. I remember, on my second day in Toulouse, I marched all the way to an Orange shop by Esquirol and purchased a SIM card & internet box. Why Orange? Because I used them in London and was happy with their services. They also had an English-speaking hotline.

This article is a first approah about telecommuncations in France. For more info :

Do you need a landline for the internet in France?

Like in most countries, yes, you do. Your provider will give you a landline, but whether you choose to connect a phone is up to you. Most French people use mobile phones, landlines are only more popular with the older age demographic.

How much does the internet cost per month in France?

It depends which provider you choose and plans usually range from 15€ to 50€.

Check out our article on Internet Subscriptions, we cover everything you need to know.

How fast is the internet in France?

Pretty decent! Most places have fiber, you can check your (future) address here or here

Which mobile network is the best in France?

In France, there are multiple providers. You have likely already come across Orange, SFR, Bouygues and Free, but you’ve probably also seen advertising for other providers like RED and Sosh. We wrote an article on Mobile Phone Subscriptions in France, have a look!

What are the main French networks?

  • Orange is the main network with customer service advisors and physical locations → Sosh operates on the Orange network, but is online-based only and you manage everything from an online portal
  • SFR is the main network with customer service advisors and physical locations → RED operates on the SFR network, but is online-based only and you manage everything from an online portal
  • Bouygues is the main network with customer service advisors and physical locations → B&YOU operates on the Bouygues network, but is online-based only and you manage everything from an online portal

Traditional providers offer full contracts, usually including television and a personal customer service. The savvy user will probably want to go with a subsidiary as it’s much cheaper. The only downside is that you’ll need to chat with an advisor rather than to speak with one.